“Resolving reverse jeonse tax by releasing loans”… Concerns about side effects

In the ‘2nd half economic policy direction’ announced by the government today, it was decided to significantly expand loans for the return of deposits on deposits.

It is intended to solve the so-called ‘reverse tax crisis’ by increasing loans to landlords who have to return money to tenants.

However, there are also concerns about the risk of insolvency or side effects.

Reporter Park Cheol-hyun covered the story스포츠토토.

◀ Report ▶ DTI

60% will now be applied to deposit return loans, which used to be 40% DSR . Both DSR and DTI determine the loan amount based on annual income, but DTI only calculates interest repayment capacity for other loans except for home loans, so more loans are possible. Based on an interest rate of 4% and maturity of 30 years, a lessor with an annual income of 50 million won can borrow 175 million won, and a lessor with an annual income of 100 million won can borrow 350 million won more than now. The government believes that this expansion of loans will be able to solve a significant part of the recently rapidly increasing reverse jeonse tax problem. However, there are concerns that it will not only overcome the crisis right away, but rather increase insolvency. [Park Won-gap /KB

Senior Real Estate Expert]
“I didn’t buy a house for 1 billion because I had 1 billion, and I didn’t get 400 million from the tenant. At the beginning of this year, the special Bogeumjari Loan, which applied 60% DTI to

houses worth 900 million won, played a role in raising house prices, because this measure could lead to an increase in overall real estate prices. When an end-user buys a house, 40% of DSR is still applied, but if you buy a house with jeonse and take out a loan in the name of returning the deposit, you can apply 60% of DTI . Although there is a special contract condition that says, “If you receive a deposit on a jeonse, you will pay off the loan first,” there is a possibility of inducing end users to unreasonably buy products that have been gapped. [Lee Kwang-soo/Kwang-soo’s Bokdeokbang] “It may be interfering with the market’s self-adjustment. The government intervenes in fear of falling even a little bit, and we are a little concerned about that.” The government also decided to expand housing supply by shortening the period of reconstruction and redevelopment projects and reducing the burden of accepting donations. In addition, it was announced that it would revise the 3 lease laws, such as the right to request contract renewal, and abolish the actual residence obligation as soon as possible, but this needs to be passed by the National Assembly. 

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