“Can’t stop the urge to kill” 112 direct call… What you say after being arrested

A man in his 20s who called 112 directly and gave a notice of murder was caught by the police amid continued public anxiety over the indiscriminate weapon riots and subsequent murder notices targeting an unspecified number of people near Sillim Station in Seoul and Seohyeon Station in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province.

Jeju Dongbu Police Station announced today (14th) that a man in his 20s was arrested and investigated on charges of obstruction of public affairs by hierarchical scheme.

According to the police, Mr. A is suspected of calling스포츠토토 112 at around 10:00 am the previous day and reporting, “I can’t stop the urge to kill. I will kill people at church.”

In response, the police issued ‘Code 0’ (dispatch in the shortest time) and arrested Mr. A on a street in downtown Jeju around 12 noon, two hours later.

At the time of the arrest, Mr. A did not have his weapon on his body, and he was found to be several kilometers away from the place where he called 112 and said he would commit the crime.

In the police investigation, Mr. A is known to have stated to the effect that “I wanted to follow the imitation psychology after seeing an article reporting similar content.”

While the police are planning to apply for an arrest warrant for Mr. A, they are investigating the exact circumstances of the incident.

Meanwhile, the National Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency confirmed 354 murder notices across the country by 9 am today, arrested 149 writers, and arrested 15 of them.

Among the arrested suspects, 47.7%, or 71 people, were counted as teenagers.

Among the teenagers arrested, there were also a number of juveniles who were not subject to criminal punishment, and the police believe that many of them posted murder notices as a joke by exploiting the fact that they are not subject to criminal punishment.

Police plan to send juveniles directly to the Juvenile Department of the competent court to receive juvenile protection if they are found guilty of a crime.

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