Reggie Jackson Considering Retirement, Title Threshold: “Everything Has Timing”

Reggie Jackson (33), who is one step away from winning his first NBA title, revealed that he had been thinking of retiring when he was bought out by the Detroit Pistons.

In an interview conducted after the Denver Nuggets (hereafter Denver) team training on the 12th (Korean time), Jackson said, “I can’t believe I’m here right now.”토토사이트

In particular, Jackson, who said, “I wasn’t sure if I could revive in LA after my Detroit days,” said, “After transferring to the Clippers, I regained my joy, and a virtuous cycle continued.”

Jackson stepped down from a league-level player after injuring his ankle during the 16-17 season with Detroit. Jackson, who had even contemplated retiring, rekindled his love of basketball when he joined the Los Angeles Clippers alongside his close friend Paul George. Then Jackson returned to Colorado, where his military family lived.

“Sometimes it’s forever and sometimes it’s not, but right now I’m here for Denver’s season,” said Jackson, who will be entering Denver all season, revealing that he’s doing what he can for Denver.

Along with Issy Smith, DeAndre Jordan and Jeff Green, who are responsible for Denver’s veteran line, Jackson is imparting experience and wisdom to the younger players on the team. Out of the rotation, he’s not getting as many opportunities as he’d like, but he clearly understands his role.

Meanwhile, Jackson foretold that he would do his best until the end, saying, “When you get older, you realize that there is a timing for everything.”

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