“My wife wants to break up with me after only swearing a few times… Can we avoid divorce?”

A story was told that during a fight, he only verbally abused and cursed his wife a few times, but then she left the house and asked for a divorce, asking if there was any way to avoid this.

When they couldn’t go due to the coronavirus, a ‘couple fight’ began.
On the 6th, the story of Mr. A, who introduced himself as a husband who has been married for 15 years, was told on YTN Radio’s ‘Attorney Jo In-seop’s Counseling Center’.

Mr. A, who has a daughter in elementary school and said that he has been running a restaurant for a long time, said, “My family was not wealthy, but we lived happily in our own way,” and added, “But three years ago, when the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) broke out, a dark cloud fell over our family. . “It became difficult to make a living when the restaurant I had been running for a long time did not do well,” he said.

Husband who drinks, swears, throws household items
Mr. A said, “My wife worked part-time, but her situation showed no signs of improving. “I guess I became sensitive without realizing it,” she said. “I often got angry at my wife, and there were a few times when I drank her alcohol and threw things at her house.”

He said, “Then one time, her wife asked for a divorce and took her child with her and ran out of the house.” Then, I came to my senses and prayed for the mistake, and fortunately, her wife and daughter came back home. “I came in,” he said.

Wife files for divorce: “I used abusive language throughout the marriage”
Mr. A said, “I tried to do my best, but the relationship between the once estranged couple could not be resolved.” He added, “I had an argument with my wife a few months ago, and she left home again and brought up the topic of divorce. “This time she hired a lawyer and sent her a divorce petition,” she said.

Mr. A could not help but be surprised when he saw the reasons for divorce in her complaint. She claimed that Mr. A’s wife had behaved unfairly towards her wife, including abusive language and verbal abuse, throughout the period of her marriage. Mr. A’s wife had also prepared a recording containing her verbal abuse and profanity. She then claimed that since she is Mr. A’s wife and is separated from Mr. A, her marriage has already broken down.

Mr. A said, “I suffered so much,” and she said, “It is absurd that I gave my wife a hard time throughout her marriage. It’s just that I made a mistake because I was having a hard time due to the coronavirus. “I just worked hard for my family, but I didn’t know I would be abandoned like this,” she said, feeling mortified.

“I just don’t want a divorce,” the husband complained.
Person A said, “My daughter also says she doesn’t want her mom and dad to separate. “She wants to go back to the good old days of our family,” she said. “If her 스포츠토토wife gives up on divorce, she will really do her best.” “Isn’t there a better way?” he asked for expert advice.

Attorney Choi Young-bi, who heard the story, explained, “(If Ms. A does not want a divorce, she) must ask the court to dismiss her divorce and prove that there are no grounds for divorce.”

Attorney Choi said, “Depending on the level and duration of the swearing or verbal abuse, it is possible to determine whether there has been unfair treatment that is grounds for divorce at trial.” He added, “However, to the extent of swearing and verbal abuse a few times during a marital fight, it is unfair treatment that is grounds for divorce at trial.” “It will be difficult to see, and therefore Mr. A will have to explain well that the swearing and verbal abuse did not continue throughout the marriage,” he advised.

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However, Attorney Choi said, “Even if there is no reason for one party’s fault, if it appears that the marriage relationship is no longer likely to be restored, the court may consider the marriage to have actually broken down and uphold the divorce request,” adding, “Ask for a dismissal of the divorce first, but just go to trial.” “Instead of just claiming that there is no reason for divorce, you should appeal to the court that you really want to restore your marriage,” he said.

At the same time, Attorney Choi said, “You have to show that you are actually making an effort so that the court will determine that there is a possibility for this family to be restored.” He added, “For this, the court is operating a couple counseling procedure based on the premise of restoring the family, so the counseling process is necessary.” Another way is to request . “Also, outside of litigation, there is a need to understand the other person’s feelings in a low-key manner and make efforts to help them return home,” he advised.

Regarding Mr. A’s daughter saying that she does not want her parents to divorce, he said, “Divorce is a couple’s problem, not the child’s problem.” He added, “In particular, in the case of the storyteller, the opinion is that the child does not want a divorce because the child is in elementary school and is a minor. I do not think it is desirable to have children from divorced families exposed to this. “Also, the court may view it as using minor children, so I think you need to be careful,” he warned.

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