Yoo In-chon said, “Jung Mong-gyu, it’s better to decide your own course of action…”

Culture, Sports and Tourism Minister Yoo In-chon said about Chung Mong-kyu, president of the Korea Football Association, “I think it would be an honor to decide on his own future.” It is interpreted as a call for Chairman Chung, who is likely to seek a fourth term, to step down.

Minister Yoo said on CBS radio’s “Kim Hyun-jung’s News Show” on the 20th, ” (Chairman Chung) is trying to serve his fourth term, but when I listen to public opinion these days, I think it’s rather honorable for (Chairman Chung) to decide his own future.”

Chung, who was elected as the 52nd president of the Korea Football Association in 2013, was re-elected in 2016 and won the third term in 2021. If Chung wins the fourth term in the election again in January next year when his third term ends, he will serve three terms. According to the articles of association of the Korea Football Association, the term of office is four years, and he can serve consecutive terms once. However, if he passes the deliberation of the Korea Sports Council and the Sports Fair Committee, he will be granted an exception to the limit on the number of consecutive terms. 토토사이트

The ministry, which has been monitoring the Korea Football Association since July, will announce its audit results at the end of this month. The ministry is examining procedural problems in the process of appointing Hong Myung-bo as the coach of the Korean national soccer team, and suspicions that the KFA has opened a “minus account” worth tens of billions of won (tens of millions of dollars) at a bank without the ministry’s approval.

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