‘Life sentence without parole for violent criminals’ passed by the Cabinet… The pros and cons seem to be fierce

A criminal law amendment allowing for life sentences without토토사이트 parole for violent criminals has been passed by the Cabinet.

It is scheduled to be submitted to the National Assembly soon, and it is expected that there will be fierce debate on the pros and cons.

This amendment divides life sentences into those that allow parole and those that do not, and states that when sentencing a life sentence, the court must also disclose whether or not parole is allowed.

Under current law, even if a felon is sentenced to life imprisonment, he or she can be paroled after 20 years.

Recently, as violent crimes such as indiscriminate weapon attacks and stalking murders have occurred one after another, concerns have been raised about the parole of violent criminals with a high risk of reoffending.

However, there are many opposing opinions.

The National Court Administration submitted its opinion to the National Assembly that the crime prevention effect cannot be determined and that it poses a significant burden on prison administration.

The National Assembly Research Service also pointed out that it may be unconstitutional in that it does not provide the fundamental right to restore freedom.

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