Jeon Cheong-jo’s wedding video in tuxedo released… Bride’s family “I thought she was a man”

A video of the past wedding of Jeon Cheong-jo, who was known as the메이저놀이터 remarriage partner of former national fencing team member Nam Hyun-hee, was released. Mr. Jeon appeared as the groom at the wedding, but an inmate who shared the same room at the detention center remembered that Mr. Jeon was married to a man. At the end of SBS ‘ Curious Story Y

, which aired on the 27th, a preview of next week’s episode, which delves into the true nature of Mr. Jeon, was released. An inmate who shared the same room with Jeon in the detention center for a long time said, “(Mr. Jeon) is a woman from top to bottom. Everyone knew that she was married to a man even inside.” Another acquaintance of Mr. Jeon said, “I went to (Mr. Jeon’s) wedding in 2018. (Mr. Jeon) married a woman.” Lee Jin-ho, a former journalist and YouTuber, also said on the 25th, “There was a report that (Mr. Jeon) got married twice and only registered the marriage on one of them.” According to the report, Mr. Jeon married a person of the same sex on Jeju Island in 2017, and the other woman’s family reportedly thought that Mr. Jeon was a man. Afterwards, while Jeon was indicted in July 2020 and was serving her sentence in a women’s prison, she married a man serving time in prison through a pen pal, and registered her marriage in September of that year. However, with the help of her family, Jeon got a divorce after a year while serving her sentence. Lee Jin-ho said, “Given that the two did not live as a married couple, there is speculation that there may have been a special purpose in registering their marriage.” Meanwhile, the police are expected to speed up their investigation into suspicions of fraud against Mr. Jeon, who has become controversial after his criminal record for fraud was revealed. On the 28th, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency said, “As suspicions of fraud related to Mr. Jeon have recently spread, the case of attempted fraud, which was already filed at Gangseo Police Station in Seoul, has been transferred to Songpa Police Station in Seoul as of today and is being investigated jointly. We plan to proceed with the investigation quickly in the future.” He said.

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