Even after reporting “Mihocheongyo Bridge is overflowing”… All 112 calls before flooding are ‘non-emergency’

Reports filed by the police and fire department at the time of the Osong underground car flooding accident in which 14 people died and 10 were injured have been released.

It turned out that the police classified all reports warning of the danger of flooding as ‘non-emergency’ until the underpass was actually flooded스포츠토토.

This is reporter Ahn Dong-jun’s report.

It was 7:04 in the morning when the first report on the flooding of the Osong underpass was received by the police.

It was said that Mihocheongyo Bridge was about to overflow, so it seemed that nearby residents would have to be evacuated.

After receiving this report, the police issued ‘Code 3’, a non-emergency report.

At 7:58 a.m., 54 minutes after this, the same reporter mentioned the Gungpyeong Underpass and warned of the danger of flooding again, but the police issued ‘Code 2’, which is a higher level but also a non-emergency report.

The police recognized the seriousness of the accident at 8:37 a.m. when they received a report that the Gungpyeong 2 underpass was accurately specified and that the underpass was filled with water.

Two minutes later, the police issued a ‘Code 1’ level, which classified all 112 calls received as non-emergency until a report of actual flooding came in.

Regarding this, the police explained that they were controlling the road near Mihocheon Bridge at the time, and that they judged it to be non-emergency because employees were working nearby.

However, he added that it is regrettable that the report would be specific, such as the exact location.

A total of 61 reports were received by the police from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the day of the underpass flooding accident.

A total of 15 reports were received by 9:05 a.m., starting with a report that the Miho River embankment had burst and overflowed during the firefighting.

As the police and firefighters disclosed the contents of the report and the measures taken at the time, voices are raised that it is necessary to examine whether the response of the relevant agencies was appropriate based on this.

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