Cargo truck entered 3m restricted tunnel… I ran while breaking the traffic lights.

An accident occurred in which a cargo truck about 3.9 meters high entered Seoul’s Shinwol Yeoui Underpass, which has a height limit of 3 meters, and then sped for several kilometers without regard for damage to the facility.

Driver A is reported to have stated to the police, “I ended up driving the truck into the underground road because I was driving with a navigation system for a passenger car rather than a truck,” and “I thought I could pass through it quickly.”

The cargo truck ran for about 6 km, and in the process, six ceiling structures were damaged one after another.

According to an official from the underpass operator on the 28th, at around 3 p.m. the previous day, a 4.5-ton cargo truck driven by driver A, in his 60s, entered the direction of the underpass from Shinwol-dong, Yangcheon-gu and hit the passage height guide sign.

However, Mr. A continued to drive without stopping and ended up hitting카지노사이트 six underpass lane control system ( LCS, a system that guides variable lanes with arrow traffic lights, etc.) facilities in succession.

According to the black box video of the vehicle running behind, every time the truck hit the facility and passed by, there was a loud ‘thud’ sound and the facility shook back and forth.

Some facilities were left hanging or fell to the ground due to the impact, and 10 cars following had their windshields and tires damaged by the debris.

No vehicles were hit by the falling structures.

The height of the truck driven by Mr. A was approximately 3.9 m, which is higher than the passage height limit due to the large battery (ton bag) in the loading box.

At the time of the accident, the tone bag was torn and the sawdust contained inside spilled onto the road.

Regarding the accident situation, an official from the underpass operator explained, “Even though we stopped the vehicle from entering, the vehicle went in. We made an emergency announcement to stop within the underpass, but it did not stop, so our own patrol car ended up blocking the front of the truck.”

It was determined that Mr. A was not drunk at the time of driving.

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