Who is Hamas and what is the meaning of Operation ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’?

The Islamic militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on스포츠토토 Israel, killing at least 1,100 people on both sides and injuring 2,100 as of the 9th (local time).

It was confirmed that Hamas’ rockets, powered paragliders, and drones were used simultaneously in the surprise operation carried out on the 7th (local time). Hamas is an Islamic organization with a military structure, founded in 1987, and is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni Islamic group founded in Egypt in the late 1920s. The word ‘Hamas’ is an Arabic abbreviation for the Islamic resistance movement called ‘Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyah’. The U.S. Washington Institute estimates that there are 15,000 to 16,000 Hamas fighters, of which 2,000 are members of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade (IDQB), the core combat unit, and the artillery unit, which is an offensive unit, and the infantry unit, which acts as a defensive unit. there is.

Hamas is based in the Gaza Strip, while the Palestinian Authority, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, is based in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Hamas, like most other Palestinian political parties and resistance organizations, considers Israel an illegitimate state, saying, “Israel is the occupier and the Palestinian territories must be liberated.” The reason Israel rejected past peace talks is because Hamas does not recognize Israel.

Hamas opposed the Oslo Accords, a 1993 peace agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). They are presenting themselves as an alternative, citing the fact that the Palestinian Authority, which recognizes Israel, has failed several times in its peace plans.

Hamas has continued its attacks on Israel in recent years. The United States, the European Union, and Israel have designated Hamas a terrorist organization. The United States and Israel are accusing Iran of supporting Hamas. However, the Iranian government, suspected of being behind the surprise attack by Hamas, announced its position through the Iranian Permanent Mission to the United Nations, saying, “We were not involved.”

Hamas named the operation ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ when it began this operation.

Al-Aqsa, which means ‘the best’ in Arabic, refers to an area in the old city of East Jerusalem, which is home to the most sacred sites. Known as ‘Al Haram Al Sharif’ (Noble Sanctuary) to Muslims and ‘Temple Mount’ to Jews, this area has been one of the most revered sites in Islam and Judaism for hundreds of years. Currently, there are the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, the early Islamic mosques built in the 7th and 8th centuries after Islam conquered Jerusalem.

According to an agreement signed more than 100 years ago, only Muslims are currently allowed to pray in this building. Non-Muslim visitors can only visit certain areas of the complex at certain times.

But Muslims continue to worry that their right to be the only worshipers there is being violated and that the site itself is threatened by the growing activities of the far-right Jewish movement and Israel’s far-right government. Hamas also announced at the start of this attack, “We launched the Al-Aqsa storm attack on Saturday to defend the holy site.”

In fact, the region has been the site of heightened tensions between Israel and Palestine in recent decades. Clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli military occur frequently, and Israeli police have increased the conflict by entering the mosque several times last year.

Although most of the international community considers the area to be occupied territory, Palestinians want it as the capital of a future independent state. On the other hand, Israel views it as the true capital of East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem after taking it from Jordan in the 1967 Six-Day War, so the conflict is deep.

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