“There is no such thing as a No. 1 team.” Manager Yeom Kyung-yeop’s greed was hidden from laughter… He will make a “Winning Official” next year

LG manager Yeom Kyung-yeop was bold from the start. Until now, LG had tried hard not to mention the word “winning.” It seemed that he…

“Ryu Hyun-jin, one of the best starting FAs.” Attention was drawn to the owner’s team in the super-power, is it really delayed to return to Hanwha

Ryu Hyun-jin (36), who is entering his second FA in the Major League, is drawing attention from the New York Mets, whose owner is Steve…

“Lee Jung-hoo, why did you need $113 million when ML wasn’t validated?” 美 Unfounded criticism…say it out loud.

“One wonders if they need that much money ($113 million) for a player with no proven track record in the majors.” 헤라카지노 Unfounded criticism of…