Ten months ago, the bar was lifted to prevent a hard landing in real estate… Now warning of “tribulation dozens of times greater”

The ‘unrest’ in the Korean bond market revealed by the Legoland incident The Legoland incident was an ‘event’ that occurred in our financial market. On September…

Suddenly, before the general election… Gimpo’s ‘incorporation into Seoul’ becomes public

On the 30th, People Power Party representative Kim Ki-hyeon said, “If Gimpo City, Gyeonggi Province, goes through the process of gathering citizens’ opinions and incorporating…

‘Life sentence without parole for violent criminals’ passed by the Cabinet… The pros and cons seem to be fierce

A criminal law amendment allowing for life sentences without토토사이트 parole for violent criminals has been passed by the Cabinet. It is scheduled to be submitted…

Israeli military ‘dazzling night operation’… “Rescue of female soldier held hostage”

The Israeli military rescued a female soldier who was being held hostage by the Palestinian armed faction Hamas. This is the first time a hostage has…